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      Jeremiah Phifer Sr., (who goes by Jaie) is the Founder & Visionary of Air Academy (LLC) previously better known as No Walls Christian Center or No Walls LLC. Jeremiah, who is a proud to claim born and groomed in North Alabama, is internationally known for his ability to deliver thought-invoking, life-changing relatable messages as a gifted unique Preacher and Public Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur. 

     Jeremiah's unique mindset has been the anchor to his success in his business ventures and projects. Though he can't boast of degrees and scholarly accomplishments remarkably has added Educator under his long resume of accomplishments. His Alabama Trademarked company "Air Academy" has been Recognized  and Registered in the State of Tennessee (Air Academy International) as an Educational Institution with the focus of Economically Educating the Underserved Communities, Women and Minorities on Financially Literacy through Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research, Development and Resources. 

       Only holding a GED and years of College & University Studies without a Degree to certify completion, Jeremiah accomplishments has been recognized as model proof that with the right Mindset Success is not limited to the bias of an achieving an educational degree as prerequisite. Mastering the level of Pro-Seller on eBay, Elevated Status as an Amazon Prime Dropshipper, Wish Dropshippers, Walmart Marketplace Verified & Approved Seller (Newest Venture) and Shopify Top Selling Store (2015-2017) are just a few of the e-commerce ventures. Being the First Black-Owned Independent Newby to Sell out 3 Months Booking for a Single AirBnB Property in1 Day (while listed on while expanding and the companies brand into 5 different location during the pandemic, maintaining a staff of 29 Employees and Subcontractors, Jeremiah's Companies is noted for sales surpassing $1.12 Million Dollars as an Non-Profit during the 2019-2020 Coronavirus Pandemic.




"What is Project Restore?"

     For so many African Americans the options for employment beyond Walmart, Burger King or the Nursing Home's CNA position are non-existent. As a people, in large part we are still in slavery and in denial of it. When a normal life in the idea of possibility includes the thought of maintaining employment at someone else's company or organization, a greater form of action is required. 


     Our Communities have been being pacified for to long by the powers that profit from the deep levels of mental suppression disguised as aid or governmental assistance. Against popular opinion and at the risk of being offensive:

We don't need more EBT (Food Stamps) Benefits when seemingly this blessing has been the second fastest cause of death in African Americans by heart attack, childhood obesity and high blood pressure. Keep It!


     We don't need more poorly maintained, high-fenced, broken-brick cages when seemingly this blessing (The Projects) only adds to the 2 out of 3 fatherless house-holds. When the options for hassle-free assistance for housing comes at the cost of our son maturing with half the masculinity for the absent of a good example and our daughters believing their only options are either independency of the support of black men or the unspoken mental competitive race of proving to be stronger than black men, it's a cost we can't afford. Keep It!


    Project Restore+ is our redirected effort to provide our community what's needed and required for tangible, viable, sustainable stability mentally, financially, emotionally and socially that's generational transferable. Our community doesn't need the a economical stimulus check, incomplete child-credit or tax rebate. We have had enough educational systems that do more denigration damage with inadequate lesson plans from outdated books that are filled what a screwed version of history and a suppressive theme that teaches an employee mindset rather than employer, while overlooked but poorly taught by under payed, overworked and unappreciated teacher. 

     Project Restore+ is mental cultivation for our community! It's our action and effort without apology or excuse. Project Restore+ is the solution to what we identify as the Biggest Problem Crippling and Killing our community. We have seen enough, heard enough and understand that we have done nothing because we just haven't done enough. Project Restore+ is the mission of our Visionary; Jeremiah Phifer Sr., Director and Chief Financial Officer of No Walls Christian Center Company d/b/a Air Academy, No Walls LLC & J. Phifer Company International. 

"the resources of some of the greatest successful people in this world and you will see that the people that they hired were some of the best people that put them where they are today"

"it's like we've spent all our lives wasting time as sheep escaping the wolf only to be killed by the shepard" 

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